Welcome to Driftwood Missives

Driftwood Missives is where I (Adam Shurte) post my writing, mostly whatever stray thoughts that have entered my somewhat-addled mind. Book reviews will be a thing too, as I get through them. If I do news commentary, and I probably won't, it’ll be looking backwards, not a mad effort to stay on top of the 24 hour news cycle.

Content will show up erratically, as in, when conditions are right, about as reliably and punctually as a hippie cat rolling around in a bed of catnip would be. There is no way to subscribe to updates- this is an old-fashioned static site and archive- though I'll probably have a page for "site news" detailing what's been added at regular intervals.

As of now, there's nothing here, but the idea is for it to be an entirely text webpage. As essays, reviews, stories, etc., are written, they'll be posted and linked to.

You can find a contact form for me at my photography portfolio page at https://adamshurte.com. If that's too many hoops to jump through, alas, I cannot be reached. You can also find a sampling of my photography there, if you're bored and like pretty pictures.